Welcome to NSPC

NSPC is the foremost higher education college applying existential ideas to its courses and its approach to student support.  Study with us if you share our vision for the future: greater opportunity for each of us to make the choices we value and carry them through.

Emmy van Deurzen

A word from our Founder and Director

Emmy van Deurzen - Interview with Horizons Magazine

24th Mar '25

Horizons magazine interviews Emmy van Deurzen

Join the online book launch Friday 28th March 1pm-2.30pm BST "Structural Existential Analysis" by Emmy van Deurzen and Claire Arnold-Baker

19th Mar '25

Join the online book launch of Structural Existential Analysis, An Existential-Phenomenological Method for Researching Life by Emmy van Deurzen and Claire Arnold-Baker

In conversation with Emmy van Deurzen - Universal Predicaments in Personal Therapy

19th Mar '25

Emmy van Deurzen will be speaking as a guest for onlinevents & Soul Portals Wednesday 9th April 2025 18:00-19:00 BST

NSPC Virtual Open Day 13th May

NSPC will be holding a virtual open day on the 13th May. For more information email ozzy.merouani@nspc.org.uk