The Existential Research Academy
NSPC is a member organization in the Existential Research Acdemy (ERA) convened by our sister organization, ERA. FOr more information, have a look at the ERA home page here.
Research Opportunities
Our masters and doctoral students produce a wealth of new knowledge in their dissertations (there is a list here). They are supported by a network of experienced research supervisors who are themselves active researchers in a wide range of fields.
Our Research Supervisors
Have a look at our current supervisors in the faculty list
Our core staff focus on these areas:
- Claire Arnold-Baker: Motherhood
- Emmy van Deurzen: therapeutic processes unique to existential therapy
- Digby Tantam: reflexive non-verbal communication; autism; Simone de Beauvoir and Edith Stein; existential therapy in groups
- Simon Wharne: trauma and post-traumatic growth
- Ruth Millman: Neurodivergence, lived experience and support for LGBTQIA people, neurodivrgence informed therapy and coaching
- Danny van Deurzen-Smith: Neurodivergence, existential coaching, gaming, creativity