Middlesex University Resources
Doctoral students can use Middlesex Library Services and electronic resources. Access the MyMDX platform https://www.mdx.ac.uk/student-life/how-to-access-mymdx/ and select 'Library' in the study tile to find out more about the services available to you.
Finding Resources
The Middlesex Library provides a large number of general and subject based library guides, including one for Psychology. These give links and tips for searching and accessing useful resources through Middlesex University. Your Subject Liaison Librarian at Middlesex is Susannah Parry who can be contacted through these pages for extra support and advice.
There is also a special page covering access to Middlesex University library services for NSPC students
Print Collections
The Psychology print collection is housed in the Sheppard Library at the Hendon Campus. The library is open 24 hours during term time https://www.mdx.ac.uk/study/facilities/libraries/
Postgraduates may borrow:
- Up to 14 items
Resources at Middlesex University can be found on Library Search, which searches across all Library resources in one go. Materials covered by Library Search include: Books (both printed and electronic) DVDs, journals, conferences, newspaper articles and reports etc. Remember to sign in to Library Search to access e-materials.
Distance Learners
Once enrolled with the University, you automatically become a member of the Library, with your Distance Learner status acknowledged on your Library record. As such, you do not need to register with us separately. https://libguides.mdx.ac.uk/distancelearners/register
Distance Learner status means that if you request an item from our stock and an e copy of it is not available, we will post a print copy to you where possible
Inter-Library Loans
Middlesex provides an Inter-Library Loan Service, which means that if you cannot find the resources you need at the NSPC or at Middlesex, they will try to find the resource for you from the British Library. This service is currently free but requests numbers are limited by study level. See the Inter-Library Loan pages for more information.