Simon Wharne
MSc, DCPsych, PhD, UKCP Reg, CPsychol, HCPC registered practitioner psychologist
- NSPC Roles
- Research Supervisor: Primary Doctoral Supervisors,
Research Supervisors: Masters and Secondary,
Clinical Supervisor,
I offer Doctoral research supervision (primary and secondary). This term, I do have some availability. I completed the DCPsych with the New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling, having previously gained a PhD while studying with the Open University. My Open University studies included a Masters in Psychological Research Methods, including quantitative methods, although I specialised in qualitative methods, mainly hermeneutic phenomenological analysis, also exploring discourse analysis. I have been employed as a Counselling Psychology in an NHS Community Mental Health Service for Older People, having worked in community mental health services for thirty years, managing community teams for twenty years. I have spoken at national and international conferences on service design and therapeutic practice. My roles have included working as a counsellor at diploma level and roles in the voluntary sector, including a national leadership position. I am currently the Depty Course Leader for the DCPsych Programme at the New School. My research interests include: Existential understandings of Post-Traumatic Growth, decision-making, socially inclusive mental health services, resilience in mental health practitioners, homelessness, existential understandings of psychosis and bi-polar, counselling for older people, the philosophy of Edith Stein, drug and alcohol addiction and religious faith. In my research studies, it is van Manen’s hermeneutic phenomenological approach that I have most often employed. Publications (available via Researchgate or Academia) Wharne, S. (2021) Empathy in phenomenological research: Employing Edith Stein's account of empathy as a practical and ethical guide. Methods in Psychology, 5, ISSN 2590-2601, Wharne, S. (2020). Trauma, empathy and resilience: A phenomenological analysis informed by the philosophy of Edith Stein. The Humanistic Psychologist, online DOI link Wharne, S. (2020). How is distress understood in existential philosophies and can phenomenological therapeutic practices be Theory & Psychology Wharne, S. (2018). The emotionally engaged researcher: Using hermeneutic phenomenological analysis to explore dilemmas in mental health care. SAGE Research Methods Cases. https://doi/10.4135/9781526428073 Wharne, S. (2018). On being an auditory hallucination: A reflection on theory, practice, existential philosophy and hearing voices. The Humanistic Psychologist,