Aleksandra Podsiadlik


NSPC Roles
Research Supervisors: Masters and Secondary,


I studied business and English at university, with a focus on teaching. I also hold a doctoral degree in humanities from Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany. After a brief stint in translations, I focused my career in education and have spent more than twenty years teaching English, helping students develop academic skills, and supporting peer learning. For the past 8 years, I have worked as a Specialist Study Skills Tutor, assisting Neurodivergent (ND) students in Higher Education. I am especially interested in evidence of impact from interventions which seek to enhance neurodivergent student outcomes. I have worked with learners on a range of courses and at all levels but have particularly focused on supporting research students.



Areas of interest:

ND learners in education

  • transitions (primary / secondary, secondary/FE/HE, FE/HE),
  • learning and teaching
  • inclusive assessment
  • digital inclusivity




  • children with ADHD in primary and secondary education
  • Transition to adulthood
  • Adult onset of ADHD
  • Functioning and participation in FE/HE



ND individuals who speak English as an additional language.

  • Autism and bilingualism
  • Second-language learning difficulties in children with reading difficulties
  • Supporting learners with Specific Learning Differences in an ELT (English Language Teaching) classroom.

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