Frequently Asked Questions
How much does the course cost?
You can see all of our course fees on the individual course pages on the website.
I have been asked to attend an interview. Can I attend online?
Yes. All admission interviews are currently taking place via video conference or by phone and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. If you are unable to attend your interview via video conference or by phone, please speak to our admissions officer about your alternatives ([email protected]).
I have sent an email – when will I get a response?
We are currently receiving a very high volume of emails and will get back to you as soon as we can. You can decrease the waiting time by contacting the most relevant staff member in the first instance. If your query is particularly urgent please give us a call.
I’m not able to attend my module – what should I do?
If you are unable to attend a module you will need to download a change of circumstances form from MyNSPC. This should be completed and sent to Rachael ([email protected]). It will be reviewed by a panel and you will be notified of the outcome.
What happens if I get sick half way through modules?
If you are unable to attend a module you will need to download a change of circumstances form from MyNSPC. This should be completed and sent to Jo. It will be reviewed by a panel and you will be notified of the outcome.
How do I make payments?
We are unable to take payment by cash, cheque or Banker’s draft. Other payment methods are available – Stripe ( Payment link on invoice). Bank transfer (details of which would be on your invoice)and telephone banking.
What are the bank details?
For bank details check your invoice or contact Dawn - [email protected]
How do I use Zoom?
Zoom have a comprehensive range of training videos from joining meetings to breakout rooms. You can access their training centre here. ]
I’m not able to complete my assignment on time – what should I do?
If you are unable to submit your essay on time due to extenuating circumstances you will need to download an extenuating circumstances form from MyNSPC. This should be completed and sent to Rachael ([email protected]). It will be reviewed by a panel and you will be notified of the outcome.
What do I need to submit for research supervision?
At the end of each term of research supervision you must submit a research supervision report form and log book. This is available in the research handbook and should be submitted by online upload to My NSPC.
I have submitted my final doctoral thesis - when and how will I have my viva?
Vivas normally take 3 - 6 months to organise and depend largely on examiners' diaries. You will be given the option to conduct your viva online or face to face (the latter will obviously result in an indefinite delay).
I have submitted my doctoral research proposal - when and how will I have my PAP viva?
PAP vivas will go ahead as normal but using Zoom. Registry will be in touch as soon as possible to book a date. You can find the submission deadlines in your course handbook.
Can I count telephone or online client hours towards my accreditation hours?
Yes. UKCP and BPS support this as a temporary measure, until the current COVID-19 crisis has passed. We have added some guidelines 'Conducting Online Therapy' to the Moodle page at MyNSPC to assist you in your transition to remote working.
Can my personal therapy be conducted online and can I count those hours towards accreditation?
Yes, though you should ensure, where possible, that your therapy is conducted via video (face-to-face), not telephone. You should discuss any concerns you have about this with your therapist.
My therapist is unable to offer online therapy. What should I do?
It is rare these days that therapist cannot provide online therapy. However, if this is the case, and you are still engaged in clinical work, you must find an alternative thearpist as soon as possible. If you have problems finding a therapist, you should contact the Clinical Coordinator.
How do I access my zoom modules?
All zoom classes are access via The Therapy Space. Simply log into the NSPC website, click on MyNSPC and then The Therapy Space. Your module class links should all be available here.
I cannot log into My NSPC, my password is not working, and the reset password link is not being sent to my email. What should I do?
Email Sarah: [email protected] confirming your name and user details.
I cannot upload my termly or annual reports (Personal Psychotherapy, Research Supervision, Placement). What should I do?
Contact Sarah: [email protected] and ask for assistance.
I cannot access my class. What should I do?
First, log into the NSPC website, click on MyNSPC and The Therapy Space. You should see all upcoming sessions and links there. If for any reason you cannot access the class still, contact Sarah: [email protected] and ask for assistance.
I have not received my Respondent Survey, or my survey link is not working, and I cannot complete it. What should I do?
Contact Sarah: [email protected] and state the title and tutor of the module.
Can I transfer credits from a previous training?
You cannot directly transfer credits form a previous course. However, that does not mean it is not possible to get some recognition of prior learning. For doctoral courses, this is a process called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), for all other postgraduate programmes this is called Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).
I am a doctoral applicant/student. How do I go about claiming for prior learning?
You should discuss any relevant prior training at interview. You will be able to put in any claims once you have commenced on the programme. Download the RPL handbook for more information on how to present and submit your claim. Please not that no claim is guaranteed to be approved.
I am a masters/PGDip/PGCert applicant/student. How do I claim for prior learning?
You should discuss any relevant prior training at interview. You will be able to put in any claims once you have commenced on the programme. Download the APEL handbook for more information on how to present and submit your claim. Please not that no claim is guaranteed to be approved.
I want to apply for the DCPsych, but my psychology degree is from another country.
You will need to find out from the British Psychological Society (BPS) if your degree makes you eligible for Graduate Basis for Chartered Membership. If it does not, you will not be eligible to apply for the DCPsych. You can find out more about applying to the BPS here.
Does your training make me eligible to practise as a therapist abroad?
Professional requirements change from country to country. We would encourage you to check with the relevant professional body regulating the profession in the country you are looking to practise in.
I am yet to finish my psychology degree and become a graduate member of the BPS. Can I still apply for the DCPsych?
There is nothing stopping you from submitting an application. However, depending on the number of applications we receive, we may give precedence to applicants who are already graduate members of the BPS and consider your application for a later intake.